Page 40 - Tropic Magazine Issue 10
P. 40


               Darren Barber                       Megan Thomas                           Tim Cooke
               Owner, Three Wolves             Owner, Phyxme Physiotherapy             Design Director, Tropic
         It’s business time                 Happiness, how?                      The problem
        F                                   “ H                                  A
                                                                                           nother year ticks by, no, flies by, and
                                                      appiness is the place between too
                 or over a decade, small business has
                                                                                           yet again I am left floundering on
                                                      little and too much”.
                 been a huge part of my life. More
         often than not, it dominates my every   For me, that ‘place’ is achieving a healthy   the question, “What did I achieve last
         move. The hours are long, the stress takes   work-life balance. But that’s a concept I’m   year?” For me, each December 25th sees
         its toll and it’s just plain hard work. While   sure most of us struggle with in our   me commemorate another lap around the
         I wouldn’t have it any other way, there are   fast-paced world. And the reason it’s so   sun and there is nothing like a birthday
         many hurdles that make running a small   hard to achieve? Our definition of   compounded with a new year to amplify
         business difficult.                happiness is often what we think it   one’s situation, one’s net position, one’s
         Small business is a major player in our   should be and not what it actually means   trajectory.
         local economy with the majority of   for us.                            I’m not discounting our huge year at
         employment relying on locally owned and   Let me explain. Say for example you tell   Tropic and the many successes we enjoyed
         operated businesses. However, it’s   yourself (or you let the world tell you) that   or my delightful children and always
         important to realise how hard it is to run   happiness should mean sleeping in,   impressive wife. I just feel I could have
         a small business in the Cairns CBD.   spending more time with the kids or   done more. What am I missing?
         Contributing factors include limited   going to the gym every day.      So, as with every year prior to this year, I
         customer and staff parking, astronomical   But in reality, what really makes you   have come out swinging. Inspired by
         rental prices, small population and   happy is being successful in your career,   self-help books, entrepreneurial listicles
         customer base and endless red tape from   staying at home doing nothing on   and a healthy dose of New Year’s hubris
         government bodies. Additionally, people   weekends, or not going to the gym… ever.  I’ve decided 2018 is the year we make it
         regularly complain about a lack of variety   It is this gap between your true reality   big! I’m just going to need more...time.
         in our small businesses, which forces   and your perceived definition of   The solution
         customers into the online marketplace.   happiness that makes your “happy place”
         This has a significant snowball effect for   seem unattainable.         What I have come to understand is that
         small businesses, as revenue decreases, as   Self worth                 time is the greatest commodity of all, yet
         does the ability to meet customer needs.   We all need to feel some self-worth for   it is finite and fixed. Time cannot be bent,
                                                                                 extended or added to however it can be
         Buy local                          happiness. Without motivation and    found. Therefore, I have devised and
         How much attention do you pay to   achievement (no matter how small), you   implemented a winning strategy for 2018.
         shopping locally? There are endless   won’t find happiness. On the other hand,   A strategy that will give me more time.
         benefits. Local small business can offer   if you never stop and reflect, or strive but   I’m going to say no. A lot.
         one-of-a-kind products and a tailored   never reach unachievable goals or there   Inspired by Warren Buffet’s quote “The
         customer service experience that you   are no limits to your goals, unfortunately   difference between successful people and
         won’t find online. Money circulated   you won’t reach your ideal of happiness   really successful people is that really
         locally ultimately helps the community   in ‘success’ either.           successful people say no to almost
         thrive and builds a strong network of   For the majority of people, I believe   everything,” I have come up with a
         local funds, enabling individuals and   happiness and work-life balance are   strategy.
         businesses to support each other. We as   achievable goals, especially in Cairns with   1. Set a lofty goal and clear a path to
         small business owners aim to reinvest   our incredible lifestyle opportunities.  achieve it.
         revenue back into our businesses for the   So, ask yourself this: What do I love   2. As all the people (who are hell-bent on
         benefit of the customer rather than lining   doing? What makes me feel special,   achieving their own goal) come at me
         our pockets.                       powerful, needed…happy?              asking me for help make this assessment.
         We are lucky enough to have so many   Do I do these things? How often?   Will it help me achieve my goal?
         great small businesses in Cairns that we   Whatever your answer, remember one of   3. Listen, smile and politely say no.
         should all support and encourage their   my other favourite quotes: “Happiness   4. Time found.
         growth in the community. With people   does not depend on what you have or who   I estimate that with my sleeves turgid
         power, we can make Cairns an even   you are, it solely relies on what you   with new-found time, 2018 will be my
         greater place to live. Buying local, eating   think.”                   year to shine. Follow this simple advice
         local and drinking local are all key to our                             and you will shine too. Now, off to buy
         city’s future success.                                                  shades.
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