Page 62 - Tropic Magazine Issue 38
P. 62


           Festival of film

           Local filmmakers are calling
           action ahead of Far North
           Queensland’s very own
           film festival.                   1

           A major event on the Cairns calendar and   Documentary film ‘Naytive’ by
           exemplifying the power of film to unite   Shontell Ketchell and Ewan
           people and communities, the annual   Cutler was Best Documentary
           Understory Film Festival is a priceless   last year. Read more on page 63.
           cultural asset for Far North Queensland.
           Entering its ninth year, the festival
           continues to build upon a stronger screen   Every year, between 50 and 80 entries
           culture and more cohesive film industry   are received from filmmakers between
           in the region, allowing our filmmakers   Townsville and the Torres Strait, with
           to articulate and share their stories and   genres ranging from documentaries to
           showcase their work to people who would   music videos, animations, comedies,
           not otherwise have access to such    action, and more.
           diverse content.                 An impartial jury of film enthusiasts
           While there are numerous film festivals   and industry professionals scores each   2
           across Australia, the Understory Film   entry based on two factors: the story
           Festival is the only one of its kind in   or script and the technical component   There is a cash prize this year, with $2,500
           Far North Queensland, specifically for   (cinematography, production design,   on offer each for the Best Film and the
           FNQ filmmakers. Local independent   audio and post-production).    People’s Choice Award. Winning them
           filmmakers, students and professional   During this stage, the screening and   both results in $5,000 in prizemoney.
           filmmakers are encouraged to make   awards are decided, with the audience   Since its inception, the festival has grown
           and submit a film that is less than eight   voting for the People’s Choice Award    from strength to strength. This year
           minutes long.                    on the night.                    it will feature four days of films, panels,
                                                                             workshops, screenings, awards, red
                                                                             carpet events and Q&As with industry
                                                                             professionals. The Tanks Arts Centre
                                            Key Dates                        and Munro Martin Parklands will host
                                                  11 OCTOBER                 the Understory Film Festival over two
                                                  Entries close              consecutive weekends, beginning on
                                                                             Friday, 18 November and concluding
                                                                             with the awards ceremony on Saturday,
                                                  23 - 25 NOVEMBER           26 November.
                                                  Workshops, inclusion
                                                  forums and masterclasses   1. Credit: Shontell Ketchell & Ewan Cutler
                                                                             2 & 3. Credit: Cairns Regional Council
                                                  26 NOVEMBER
                                                  Screening and Awards Night

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