Page 27 - Tropic Magazine Issue 35
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In the ever-advancing pursuit for the
elixir of youth or the golden pill to ward TIPS TO GET GOING
Exercise elixir off ill health, we often find ourselves
trolling the internet looking for that Find a friend to exercise with
MOVEMENT AS MEDICINE magical medicine to cure all ailments. and keep you accountable
This must-have tonic might be much less
Tropic’s new health columnist, elusive than you think. Yes, it is plain Find something you enjoy
Dr Chris Donohue, describes old exercise!
how one lifestyle change can Most of us know that physical activity is Plan the night before to get
everything you need ready
good for us, yet over half of all Australians
have huge impacts. are not getting the recommended
amount of physical activity. If you have Engage a professional to
ever struggled with the motivation to give you some direction
exercise, you may need a gentle reminder.
Yes, physical activity can be great for Here are some good
looking and feeling better, but it is also guidelines to aim for:
the best prescription you can take for
your long-term health – and it can 1 Be active on most (preferably all)
be free. days of the week.
Physical activity is low-hanging fruit: the
obvious or easy thing that can be most 2 Accumulate 150-300 minutes of
readily done to progress towards a moderate intensity physical activity
health goal. Small changes to a daily over seven days.
routine can have long-term, large
impacts on health and wellbeing. Years of 3 Do some form of muscle
research have shown those who engage in strengthening activities at least two
regular physical activity simply live longer days a week.
and are overall healthier and happier. It’s also important for you to know that
Numerous studies prove exercise is embarking on exercise later in life is
of clear benefit in the prevention of still massively beneficial. Researchers
high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer analysed the exercise habits of 315,000
(particularly bowel and colon cancer), older adults in the 1990s and followed
osteoporosis, depression and dementia up in 2011 to see who was still alive.
among other chronic conditions They found older adults who regularly
and ailments. engaged in physical activity since their
The question is how much should you teenage years had a 36 per cent lower
aim for? As always, if you have some form risk of dying. Those who commenced in
of chronic illness, consult with your GP their 40, 50s and even 60s all had similar
before commencing. reductions of around 35 per cent. So, even
If you are currently physically inactive, if you have spent the first half of your life
any movement will provide some benefit, as a couch potato, remember it's never too
even in small amounts. Try swimming late to get moving.
or a brisk walk starting at five minutes
duration and increasing over time.
Dr Chris
GP changeover
Previous health columnist, Dr Alexandra Bernhardi, is embarking on
a temporary return to her native Germany following many years of
contributing to Tropic. Through her, we’ve learned the meaning of
ikigai (if you missed it, check out Issue 31), ways to detox, and how
climate change can impact health – among many other things.
The Tropic team thanks Dr Alex for all her expertise and wishes her
all the best for her next chapter. We also welcome Dr Chris Donohue,
who has special interests in sports medicine, paediatrics, chronic
disease management and diabetes.
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