Page 13 - Tropic Magazine Issue 29
P. 13
Sally Morris
Real Estate Photographer
Red M Photography
Property Stager/Stylist
SATRA Property Styling A DAY IN THE LIFE
Much of Sally’s time is spent Tropic delves into the daily routines and habits of a local identity.
staging and photographing
a wide range of real estate,
commercial and tourism 5:30am 11:30am
properties and caring for her The alarm goes off and I crawl out Lunch??? Is there such a thing?
two daughters. But she’s also of bed to begin my morning CrossFit Usually, the consumption of more
an adventurer, and loves riding workout. It’s always a struggle but coffee on my way to the first
once I’m there, I’m thankful I made the
photoshoot of the day.
trail bikes, fishing, hiking and effort and love the endorphins.
working out. Weekends are for 3:30pm
family and fun. 6:30am I pick up the girls from school and take
Back at home for coffee (each and them to dance classes. This is usually
every day revolves around a lot of my time to find something to eat,
coffee), finish off my edits on jobs return calls and messages from the
from the day before and sending to day, check socials and take a breath.
my clients.
7:00am Start editing from the day’s shoots. I
Girls into the car to get them to school can also take a moment now to talk to
in the city. More coffee on the journey. friends, organise weekend adventures
and prepare dinner.
I meet the install team at our storage 6:00pm
shed where we keep all the furniture Drop dinner to girls, usually on my way
utilised in the staging side of our to a twilight shoot or completion of a
business. Set them off to the property staged property.
once the truck is loaded.
9:00am I pick up the girls from dance and once
Meet install team at the property and home, finish the day’s editing.
commence set up. Most properties
take approximately six to eight 11:30pm
hours till the stunning completion. Try and get to bed. The crazy of every
I often have to return late in the day is just part of my life but I would
evening to finish off the job. Ready to not have it any other way. Having two
be photographed. amazing girls and two successful
businesses certainly keeps me on the
go but also very, very happy.
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