Page 26 - Tropic Magazine Issue 26
P. 26


          Holistic learning

          Tropical North Steiner School
          will provide a new primary
          education offering to the
          Douglas Shire.
          Words: Annabel Bowles
          2021 will mark the opening of a
          new independent primary school in   the importance of early childhood
          Mossman. Tropical North Steiner School   education and its ability to foster a
          is set to welcome just 25 students across   lifelong love of learning.
          Prep to Class 3 in its opening year, before   “More and more families are seeking
          eventually growing to include Class 6.   a well-rounded education that will
          Steiner education, also known as Waldorf   produce capable healthy and happy   International hub
          education, follows an internationally-  human beings,” she said. “They want an
          recognised curriculum focusing on the   education that will invite their children   International students could
          balance of academic, creative, social and   to be more in touch with nature and   help flatten the curve of
          emotional development. Students will be   know how to learn, not just what to   economic concerns in Cairns.
          taught invaluable life skills like gardening,   learn. Investing in your child’s education   Could Cairns overcome the COVID-19
          cooking and sewing, as well as critical   especially in the early years of childhood
          literacy and numeracy skills.     is an investment in our future.”   downturn by becoming a hub for
          After a couple of years of hard work and   The school is now taking enrolments for   overseas students? Study Cairns
          many bureaucratic hurdles, TSNN Board   children entering Prep to Class 3 next   President Janine Bowmaker certainly
          Director Julie Verri is thrilled to soon   year.                    thinks so, along with the rest of the
                                                                              region’s education sector, which typically
          provide a holistic education system to the
          Douglas Shire community. As the head                                welcomes about 2700 people on student
          and heart behind TSNN, she understands   MORE:  visas each year. “Each of these students
                                                                              bring in about $60,000 per annum to the
                                                                              region,” she said. “COVID is decimating
                                                                              our industry like it is tourism. The lack
                                                                              of action is slowly and quietly destroying
          New schools                      2022. The College will initially open   a sector that’s been of huge economic
                                                                              benefit to our region.”
          The Cairns Catholic              with a Year 7 class and add a new cohort   With all the talk on quarantining
                                                                              returning Australians in Cairns, Member
                                           each succeeding year until 2027. Its
          Diocese offers up two            construction will coincide with another   for Leichhardt Warren Entsch also threw
          contemporary education choices  major development to MacKillop      his support behind a student intake,
          for local families.              Catholic College in Mount Peter. Stage   projecting the move could be a “very,
                                                                              very critical economic trigger.” The
          Newman Catholic College, a new   4 of the school’s upgrade, also due to   Queensland Government
                                           bring in the 2022 school year, will see
          800-student secondary school, is set                                would need to approve a
          to be built on James Cook University’s   the completion of 18 new classrooms   proposal being put on the
                                           equipped with cutting-edge facilities.
          Smithfield campus. It will be the first                             PM’s desk – something
          Catholic school situated on a university   The new renovation will specifically   South Australia and the
                                           cater to the school’s secondary students,
          precinct in Australia, featuring an indoor   with its first senior cohort to graduate   Northern Territory have
          sports court, five design technology                                successfully done in
          classrooms, four science lab classrooms   in 2025.                  recent months.      Janine Bowmaker
          and a library. The development is due                                                   Study Cairns
          to be completed in December next year,
          ready to receive students in January   MORE:      MORE:

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