Page 8 - Tropic Magazine Issue 223
P. 8
I do not like the music of Katy Perry,
Ariana Grande or Taylor Swift. But my
9-year-old daughter does, often early
in the morning and always loud. You
know as well as I do that the music of
Katy, Ariana and Taylor et al is difficult
enough to bear at the best of times, and
even worse before your first coffee. And,
of course, my daughter is keen to place
the portable speaker so close to my body
that I can feel the sound wave vibrations
literally shaking my faith in humanity.
Of course, it gets worse. On this lot and send her to her room for some We know that our readers want
particular morning, I was knee deep into long-term self-isolation. But I stopped news and articles that aren’t related
a ten-day bender of 24-7 COVID-19 news short of doing that. Instead, on this to coronavirus, and we hope we’ve
that was very unhealthy for one’s mental morning, as Weet-Bix was consumed delivered some of that balance on these
state. But I’m a journalist, through and and getting ready to go to school was still pages. Life will go on and eventually,
through, and I couldn’t help myself. a thing, I stopped myself and said: “Sure this will all pass. We hope Tropic
During that spiral of time when all hell baby, let’s hear some music”. Magazine and will
was breaking loose before our very eyes And my daughter smiled and danced, be your little bit of “normal” in between
and everything was changing hour by like non-one was watching except her it all.
hour, I consumed more podcasts, radio grumpy ass dad. In the middle of all the Finally, words aren’t enough to say
bulletins, news articles, videos, social chaos we’ve endured, and will continue thank you to the Tropic team and our
media posts and TV specials related to to push through in varying degrees, it advertisers for your perseverance,
coronavirus than any sane human could was the sweetest thing of all. leadership and commitment during
stand. I was so addicted, so enthralled, We listened to her favourite music for this time.
so worried and so fascinated by the longer than I care to admit here. I think Please note down the ads in this edition
unfolding global disaster I couldn’t look I sang along to some Lizzo at one point, and show them support whenever
anyway. I was also reporting on it with something about tossing my hair and possible over coming months.
our team at on a checking my nails and feeling good as
daily basis. It was like being in the eye hell.
of a cyclone every single day for weeks I hope you get the chance to have funny
and weeks on end, instead of just a few little moments like this with your family,
hours as it passed across the coast on its and also with yourself, despite it all.
way further inland where it would calm Here’s cheers to finding the good,
down. the funny, and the little moments of
So, that’s the context of this morning humanity during these crazy times. Gavin King
when my daughter asked me (a few [email protected]
seconds after she’d already pressed play): TROPIC’S COMMITMENT TO CAIRNS
“Dad, can we turn the radio off and The team here at Tropic is working hard PS: You can reach me on email with any feedback,
listen to some music?”. to bring you the latest daily news, as inquiries or ideas. Thanks again for reading.
My instinctive reaction was to swear-a- well as this edition of our magazine.
8 • Tropic • Issue 23