Page 19 - Tropic Magazine Issue 223
P. 19
Pest power
An innovative eradication team is on the home
stretch to ridding Far North Queensland of a tiny
but powerful pest.
Words: Renee Cluff
The fight against electric ants began ants have been baited,” Mr Morton said.
14 years ago, when the species native “When they tell us nothing is there we
to central and south America was first do one final round of sausage trapping.
discovered at Smithfield. Since then, the They really seem to prefer Don Skinless
introduced ants have been on the march, Footy Franks.”
with 137 separate infestations recorded. One of the main challenges is that the 1
However, the National Electric Ant
Eradication Program (NEAEP) is gaining 1. Hot dog sausage is used to lure electric ants.
the upper hand. ”Eradication is on track Pic: NEAP
2. Electric ants are tiny Pic: NEAEP
to be completed by 30 June, 2022,” said Eradication is on track
program co-ordinator Gary Morton.
“Of the 137 infestations, 59 are still in the to be completed by
eradication phase.” 30 June, 2022
It’s been a steep learning curve to find the public to invite yard inspections. “The
ways to detect and eliminate the electric Gary Morton, infestations have ranged in size from a
ants, which are so named because they Program single pot plant to the original infestation
have such a powerful sting relative to Co-ordinator at Smithfield which was more than 30
their size. After several years of trial and hectares in size,” Mr Morton said. “Two
error, two particular types of dogs have insects, also known as little fire ants, new infestations were recently discovered
proven effective: hot dog meat has been can be easily transported between during a blitz in Kuranda.”
found to be the best lure, while in a world properties undetected, due to their Biosecurity zones remain in place from
first, detection dogs have been trained to size. Often, it’s a result of pot plant the Douglas Shire in the north to the
sniff out a single ant to ensure eradication swapping. That’s why the NEAEP has Cassowary Coast in the south and as far
has worked. “The dogs are sent in after the for years been calling on members of west as the Atherton Shire.
World’s top 100 most Can blind Protect pest insects
invasive species domestic pets that damage crops
Painful stings that Can survive in Compete with native
can result in allergic water and sting insects and displace
2 reaction while swimming native animals
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