Page 68 - Tropic Magazine Issue 21
P. 68


                                            What is missing from the conversation
                                            though, is the money that we are
                                            losing. Nearly half of all Australians
                                            will experience some type of mental
                                            ill-health during their lifetime. They will
                                            face significant challenges to get their
           Workplace                        life back on track. If they are working   Southern Access Corridor, TMR QLD
                                            during this time, their workplaces will
           wellbeing                        also encounter challenges due to the   us to work quicker. But what is being
                                                                             done once we are at work? Cairns could
                                            loss of productivity or worse, the loss
                                            of a valued team member. The time   do a lot with $180 million back in the
           SUPPORTING STAFF                 away from work,                                 economy. Creating
           Worklink’s Rebecca Cotton        backfilling roles                               mentally health
                                            and recruiting
                                                                                            workplaces or
           explains the economic            new employees                                   giving someone a
           benefits that can be gained      all cost our local    Nearly half of all        go can help do just
           by supporting the minds          businesses money.   Australians will experience  that.
           of employees.                    In fact, $180       some type of mental         Worklink can
                                            million is lost each
                                                                                            help you employ
           Money, money, money apparently makes   year from the   ill-health during their   someone who has
           the world goes around. It certainly   Cairns economy                             experienced mental
           makes Cairns go around and with a   because of              lifetime             ill-health and get
           growing economy, Cairns is in a good   reduced business             Rebecca Cotton   them back into the
           position to plan new developments and   productivity from           Worklink     workforce. Thrive
           improve our tropical city. Industries   mental ill-health.                       in Work can help
           such as tourism as well as international   To put that in perspective, the Smithfield   you improve the mental health of your
           trade and the NDIS all bring in the   Bypass project is expected to cost $152   workplace so you can support your
           money. More money coming in means   million and the Australian Government   employees when they are in need.
           more money being spent locally, with   is committing $180 million to Stage 5
           new buildings going up and new roads   of the Southern Access Corridor. These
           being built.                                                       MORE:
                                            are significant projects that will get

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