Page 56 - Tropic Magazine Issue 20
P. 56


         Lessons from New York City

         CITY TIPS
         Tropic’s editor Gavin King brings back some bite-sized ideas from     3    Tall poppy syndrome
         his recent trip to the Big Apple.                                          doesn’t exist

         Forget hot dog carts, giant pizza slices and skyscrapers – there’s much more to   New Yorkers (and Americans in
         the Big Apple than clichés and postcard tourist attractions. During a three-  general) embody a refreshing,
         week stay in New York City,  surprising encounters and unexpected moments   progressive attitude when it comes
         sparked new thinking and perspectives about the way our city operates here in   to competition and success. Whether
         Cairns. Despite the obvious differences between the two destinations – they   you’re just starting out or achieving
                                                                             great things, you’ll be supported and
         have a population of more than 8 million people, for example – here are some   celebrated for it. Confidence is an
         ideas and lessons Cairns could adopt from one of the greatest cities on earth.   asset, rather than being viewed as
                                                                             arrogance. They’ll compliment you if
                                                                             it’s warranted, from the cool clothes
          1   Close the streets                                              you’re wearing to the exceptional
                                                                             service you’re providing. Here, our
        On weekends, I would step up from random                             negative approach to achievement
        stops on the subway to find entire blocks                            and competition is stifling and small-
        temporarily closed to traffic so that food                           minded. Be more vocal about your
        stalls, markets, events – and people - could                         own success and support others
        take over. I’m talking some of the busiest                           who are delivering high-quality work,
        streets in the world, including right in the                         services or products.
        heart of midtown Manhattan. We can’t close
        a tiny section of Cairns Esplanade (even just                          TIP If you see someone doing
        once a week) without fierce opposition from                            great things, be it in business or
        a vocal few who seem to stop councillors                               their personal life, tell them so.
        from making any bold decisions. Yet the
        authorities in NYC can shut down major
        roads every single weekend. On one such
        occasion, I walked along the middle of 5th                                   Celebrate diversity
        Ave eating and browsing for nearly 10 blocks                            4    and multiculturalism
        all the way up to Central Park. Locals and
        tourists embrace these street parties, while                           New York City is home to the most
        cabs, cyclists and motorists just deal with it.                        diverse cultural mix in the United
                                                                               States – indeed of any metropolis
          TIP Be brave and trial the regular, temporary closure of more streets in the   in the world - and they celebrate
          Cairns CBD and the suburbs. Let the people decide if it’s a good idea.  it, big time. This dynamic form of
                                                                               multiculturalism is found everywhere
                                                                               from countless festivals and cultural
                                                                               days to specific museums, hybrid
                                      2    Chill out about alcohol             cuisines, and the auditory overload
                                                                               of an estimated 800 languages you
                                    I bought beer from a stall in a park while   hear in bodegas and bars, on street
                                    watching a live band. I drank booze while   corners and the subway. We already
                                    watching Shakespeare’s Othello performed   do a good job of celebrating our
                                    in Bryant Park. I sipped a schooner at a   multicultural mix, given our town’s
                                    shopping centre’s incredible food hall. I was   Indigenous Australian foundation and
                                    offered a glass of wine while browsing in a   our gold prospecting, cane farming
                                    shop. It all felt very adult. No-one was out of   past. We shouldn’t hesitate to do
                                    control drunk. It’s an absolute joke we can’t   even more to celebrate our cultural
                                    legally have a glass of wine with a picnic   diversity.
                                    on our beautiful Esplanade. Crack down on
                                    drunks and intoxicated idiots and let the rest   TIP Take a coordinated approach to
                                    of us be grown-ups.                        local cultural festivals and events
                                                                               and better support and promote
          TIP Lift the ban on alcohol consumption on Cairns Esplanade and promote   them. Also, why doesn’t the culturally
          it as a vibrant place of picnics and parties, while policing the handful of   rich Cairns Museum attract more
          people who abuse the privilege.                                      visitors?

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