Page 14 - Tropic Magazine Issue 20
P. 14
1. Coral spawning
2. Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior)
3. Victoria’s Riflebird (Ptiloris victoriae)
4. Breadfruit
In season
Our expert guide to nature this
October and November. SURE SHOT
Words Nicky Horstmann I had seen Victoria’s Riflebirds at close
We live in a wonderful part of the world, hand during previous stays in the
don’t we? We can choose to revel in the Lake Eacham area. However, being
luxuries of sophisticated urban life and ushered into our accommodation
still remain immersed in the simple by a spectacular male Riflebird was
pleasures of our natural environment 2 the start of a very special stay this
(which is where this column comes in). time around. The Victoria’s Riflebird
If the joy so readily derived from our is at a minimum, ensuring that tidal (Ptiloris victoriae) is our very own bird of
backyards, parks and gardens isn’t quite currents are weaker and less likely paradise, being found on the Atherton
enough, then a relatively short car trip can to wash the gametes away from each Tablelands, Paluma and sometimes in
offer so many soul-pleasing alternatives. other. Both of these factors need to associated coastal areas. As rainforest
My most recent trip to Lake Eacham was occur during hours of darkness for the dwellers, they can be hard to spot,
one such adventure. spawn to get underway. So, predicting so keep an ear out: they sound like
exactly when it’s going to happen “ruffling taffeta” when in flight and
is next to impossible. When it does have a distinctive call I’m not going to
happen, here’s hoping it’s massive! attempt to describe. Mostly, it’s their
appearance that is so alluring. Male
GINGER TIME Riflebirds are a rich velvety black with
Flowers patches of shimmering blue-green
A quick glimpse around the on top of their head, under their chin
neighbourhood (and Rusty’s) should and on top of their tail. In complete
inform you it’s ginger season - the contrast, the females are two-toned
flowering sort that is. Most dramatic brown, featuring flecking on their
are the torch gingers (Etlingera elatior), chests, rather cinnamon-cappuccino
which come in a variety of colours and in style. Now, can you imagine having
help to create incredibly exotic floral these unbelievably beautiful creatures
1 arrangements. Amazingly, they are flying onto your verandah and joining
very easy to grow in the north and can you at the table to help themselves to
NEW LIFE be a welcome addition to the garden, some of your fruit? It’s both mind-
Coral offering effective screening with their blowing and addictive, and no pill
Another natural phenomenon also lush green foliage. testing is required.
readily available in FNQ is the annual
mass coral spawning, which could
start around October 18. There could Rusty’s Markets
be another bloom around November 16 BREADFRUIT BASKET
and then again on or about December On your next trip to Rusty’s,
16. Why is it that specific dates and challenge yourself to try something
times cannot be provided, you ask? A new. Breadfruit will be coming
number of factors need to sync before into season and if they were
spawning is triggered, including sea important enough for Captain Bligh
temperatures, lunar/tide cycles and to transport them on the Bounty,
darkness. Sea temperatures affect they deserve your attention at least
the development of eggs and sperm; once. There are plenty of cooking
around 4 days after the full moon, the 4 ideas online.
difference between high and low tides
14 • Tropic • Issue 20