Page 59 - Tropic Magazine Issue 19
P. 59


             Third places

              MEETING OF MINDS
             A brief history of restaurants
             and cafes, and why they’re so
             important to us today.
             Restaurants and cafés are one of   Hanging out at The Chambers
             France’s great exports to the world
             and it’s Napoleon and the Battle of
             Waterloo that we must thank. In   from a menu and offered flexible meal   what a useful concept in a country
             the 1760s, when urban centres were   hours compared to the much stricter   building new urban settlements”. By
             struggling with sanitation, illnesses   innkeeper of yore.        the 1820s, restaurants were common
             such as consumption (an old medical   As people started to get healthier, the   in New York and Boston and the style
             term generally associated with   menu changed to include the good   of eating spread across the rapidly
             tuberculosis) were common. So,   food and wine the French are famous   developing United States and further
             people went to the earliest restaurants   for. Restaurants became a place to be   to South America.
             - not to eat, but to “restore”.  seen, to socialise and to talk business.   Today, in my industry of town
             The word restaurant comes from the   Napoleon famously said: “Let them   planning and design, we call
             French verb “se restorer” which means                             restaurants and the places where
             to restore or to refresh. People with                             we go to socialise or do business as
             consumption were too weak to digest                               “third places”. They are not home
             food so the main dish was bouillon,                               and they are not the office. Yet they
             a flavourful broth. The restaurant                                are comfortable. These third places
             concept was innovative because for                                are critical for a range of reasons,
             the first time, service was offered at                            including innovation. Most of our
             small separate tables rather than a                               good ideas are generated before and
             host table; customers could choose                                after work, not in the workplace. Think
                                                                               of it as the bump factor. If you can
                                                                               bump into someone for five minutes
                                                                               in the street or for a chat over coffee,
                                                                               these informal exchanges of ideas can
                                                                               cover anything from tips to manage

                                              eat, let them drink, let them dance”.
                                              What he also said was - no politics.   These third places are critical
                                              Restaurants are not places to plan
                                              rebellions. Instead, restaurants    for a range of reasons.
                                              became places of indulgence, a place
                                              to let off steam and relax.
                                              Then the Napoleonic era ended in
                                              1815 with the battle of Waterloo,   the kid’s sniffles to the new app you
                                              which involved troops from around   discovered - or your new idea.
                                              the world. After the battle, soldiers   Restaurants and cafes are so
                                              returned home saying “in Paris they   important for how ideas are
                                              have these things called restaurants”   exchanged and how we see ourselves.
                                              and the British responded with “those   Thankfully, Cairns is blessed with
                                              French… they are so uncivilised that   an impressive collection of cafes and
                                              they don’t even eat dinner at home”.   restaurants to serve this purpose.
                                              And that was the end of the idea in
                                              England, for the time being. On the   MORE:
                                              other hand, the Americans said “well,

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