Page 29 - Tropic Magazine Issue 18
P. 29
The Candidate
Elite Executive’s Eva Grabner highlights the benefits of
making recruitment a great experience for candidates.
Words Eva Grabner
Here’s a question employers may about working for the company.
not ask themselves very often: what It can also lead to higher quality
does my recruitment process look applicants, more hires
like for candidates? and new referrals.
First impressions often become With many companies speeding up
lasting ones, so employers need their hiring, those who drag their
to set the stage for an exceptional feet during the process will miss out
candidate experience long before on top talent. However, providing
an application is even received. a strong candidate experience
The way a job seeker perceives your during this time period requires an
recruitment process will go a long understanding of your candidates,
way in establishing your credibility something that many employers
as an organisation. The experience struggle with.
from the first time a candidate While it is certainly important
interacts with your brand online to highlight your mission and
to when they receive an offer, is values during the hiring process,
critical. As hiring becomes more employers also need to emphasise,
competitive and the process moves and be adaptable to, the factors
even faster, a poor candidate that are most important to today’s
experience can lead the right professionals. The following best
candidate to turn down the job. On practices can help you facilitate
the flipside, a good one creates a a strong candidate experience to
sense of excitement and urgency better engage with top talent...
Portray a strong employer brand Be flexible
I cannot emphasise this enough. In today’s world, job Whilst you may be holding out for that ‘perfect
seekers have access to a wealth of company information candidate’, the chances of finding them in the current
through websites, social media, press and employee market are slim. Consider your requirements for the
reviews. With professionals utilising these resources to role carefully and think about where you are willing
make informed career decisions, not having a strong to compromise. However, when considering these
employer brand can have a huge impact on your ability to compromises, it is important to look for potential within
attract top talent. a candidate to grow into the role.
Promote your company culture Make faster, more competitive offers
Company culture has quickly become a top priority for Nowadays candidates are interviewing for more than
many professionals. Today’s candidates are looking for one role. This means that taking too long to make
an employer that offers them purpose, supports their an offer, or not giving the best offer up front, will
employees both personally and professionally, and aligns lead you to miss out on a candidate who has a better
with their values. Since a company’s culture can make experience elsewhere.
or break a job seeker’s decision to apply for a job and
ultimately accept an offer, these are factors that everyone
from the CEO to throughout the organisation need to be MORE: Talk to Eva on 0409 591 188 or
emphasising during the hiring process.
Providing an unrivalled one-on-one bespoke service, Eva Grabner is the changing face of the recruitment
industry. As an Executive Recruiter and Search Consultant with over a decade of experience, Eva works
alongside her clients to understand their business and culture. With an extensive global network and current
knowledge on market conditions, Eva quickly identifies the best high performing candidates for her clients and
works closely with both parties to ensure a seamless transition.
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