Page 29 - Tropic Magazine Issue 16
P. 29
Change is constant “Workplaces and offices don’t look
OFFICE UPGRADE like they did 10 years ago,” Catherine AMALIE AND CATHERINE’S TOP 10
The team at Cairns Family told Tropic. “They are changing, as are
learning spaces in schools. It is all about
Law Group share their tips flexibility and letting people learn and 1 / Make your office a reflection of
you and your brand
for creating a new, modern work in the best environment that suits
office space. them whilst getting the job done.” 2 / Make sure you have the best
Amalie said the new Cairns Family Law technology you can afford
In just six months, Amalie Grima Group didn’t look like a traditional law 3 / Be flexible – allow your
and Catherine Ross have come a long firm might, for deliberate reasons. employees to work hours that
way. The Directors at Cairns Family “All you need now is your laptop, Wi-Fi suit them
Law Group formed their boutique and your mobile and you’re good to
family law firm in mid-2018 and have go,” she said. “We have tried to create a 4 / Work from different places -
just expanded into new office space - space that reflects us and our approach maybe it is a different desk,
tripling their original floor space. that is focused on being welcoming to the coffee shop or your client’s
The new office, located on Sheridan our clients. We have steered away from premises
Street across from Rusty’s Markets, has the corporate office of the past. Our 5 / Keep up with the trends
been designed with a modern, warm office is filled with colour and plants and what your competitors
feel and innovative uses in mind. and there are no law books in sight.” are doing – be brave and try
something new
MORE: Visit Catherine and Amalie at 9/9 Sheridan Street, or 6 / Think about creating “phone booths” in your working space
so people can take private calls
or Facetime meetings
7 / Think about a shorter working
week – but aim at improving
productivity. For example, a
45 min lunch break and every
second week half your staff
finish at 1pm
8 / Collaborate – can you share
your space with other like-
minded professionals?
9 / Adapt. Don’t continue to do
things just because you have
always done things that way
10/ Don’t be afraid of the Cloud.
Servers are a thing of the past!
Throughout the rollercoaster president Nick Loukas said. “To
ride of running a business, it’s attain recognition, organisations are
important to pause, recognise assessed across a set of criteria that
and celebrate outstanding underscore commitment to not only
achievements. That’s where the sustaining bottom line results, but to
Cairns Business Excellence Awards superiority of service, commitment
come in. Nominations for the third to customers, ethical behaviour and
edition of the Cairns Chamber of environmental sustainability.”
Commerce awards are now open, Categories include People
with 8 awards for organisations Management, Customer Service,
and 2 awards for individuals. Marketing & Communications,
“During the past two years, the Emerging Leadership and Project
outstanding achievements of a Management. Nominations close at NOMINATE: Visit
wide range of organisations have 5pm, Monday March 11th, with the au/chamber-events/BEX or contact
been acknowledged, regardless awards set to be held at the Pullman Judit Fernandez on (07) 4031 1838.
of size or industry,” Chamber International on June 15th.
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