Page 16 - Tropic Magazine Issue 16
P. 16


           Plastic warriors

           CLEAN UP
           Parley for the Oceans launches
           in Australia to mobilise a
           plastic-combatting army for
           the Great Barrier Reef.
                                              Island clean-up                  Christian Miller. Photo: Nadia Aly
           Words Renee Cluff
           The Cambridge English Dictionary   Tropic talks to Christian about his work   time I go crazy! My first ever night dive
           defines the word parley as: To meet in   as an ocean activist, turtle rescuer, beach   I did in the Great Barrier Reef, I saw a
           order to discuss something, especially   clean-up organiser and photographer. In   decorator crab. I had no idea what it
           how to end an argument or a war.   his spare time, he also runs North Cairns   was, but I freaked out because I thought
           The war, according to international   eco-friendly printing business Shirt Box   I saw a walking Hawaiian pizza. But to
           movement Parley for the Oceans, is   with his partner, Maren.     brush over other experiences, it’s hard
           being waged by humankind on the                                   to top looking a whale in the eye and
           largest and most important ecosystem   How did you develop your love of the ocean?  feeling their sounds vibrating every
           on earth. German-born Cairns resident   I did my first scuba dive in Australia as   bone in your body.
           Christian Miller is front and centre   a child and the initial fear I had of the
           of the organisation’s 2019 move into   unknown turned into an obsession,
           Australia. Mr Miller wants the group to   especially with sharks! There was   FOREIGN BODIES
           take action on beaches in eastern Cape   nothing more beautiful! From then on   The Australian Institute of
           York, a region where ocean currents   it was hard to get me out of the water.   Marine Science has confirmed
           deliver large quantities of plastic direct   I did my dive instructor course and   the presence of marine micro-
           to the northern areas of the Great   travelled the world and that’s when I saw   debris, including microplastics,
           Barrier Reef Marine Park every year. A   what we are doing to the oceans and the   in wild-caught fish on the
           recent research expedition by a Parley   urge increased to actively do something   Great Barrier Reef. They found
           team uncovered 638 kilograms of   about it. After spending years overseas, I   micro-debris items in the
           plastic. The group removed the plastic   came back to Cairns to work in the Great   gastrointestinal tracts of
           waste from five islands, and also found   Barrier Reef. I missed the place that   juvenile coral trout caught on
           the surface water heavy polluted by   made me fall in love with the ocean!  reefs around Lizard, Orpheus,
           micro-plastics. Further expeditions by                              Heron and OneTree Islands. 19 of
           the group are planned and the findings   Do you have a particularly memorable   the 20 fish contained a total of
           will help assess the effort needed to   underwater moment?          115 micro-debris items.
           clean-up the islands.            Anytime we see something for the first

                                            REEF GUARDIAN
                                            Lizard Island Resort is working   our oceans and to the ecosystem
                                            to become a plastic-free holiday   that surrounds us, this is an
                                            destination. The executive director   integral step towards keeping out
                                            of parks and resorts at Delaware   vibrant marine life safe.” Every
                                            North Companies, Greg Magi,  said   guest who visits the island gives
                                            60% of all the resort’s waste is   back to the local environment via
                                            already recycled or deployed for   an Environmental Management
                                            alternative use. “Lizard Island   Charge fee charged by the Great
                                            Resort is privileged to operate on   Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,
                                            the very doorstep of one of the   which goes directly towards
                                            world’s most spectacular national   conservation. Lizard Island is also
                                            wonders,” he said. “Given plastic   a founding member of the Citizens
             Lizard Island Resort
                                            pollution is the biggest threat to   of the Great Barrier Reef.

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