Page 12 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 12


                                             TROPIC RECOMMENDS
                             Here are all the cool things we’re loving at Tropic HQ right now

            LISTEN                  SERVICE                 READ                    WEAR
            We’re digging the new   Members of Generation   Quality print magazines   We’re devotees of local
            Blood Orange album Negro   Z (those born mid-1990s   with engaging content are   history here at Tropic,
            Swan, a smooth combo of   to mid-2000s) aren’t   back in vogue around the   as our Regional History
            progressive R&B, low-key   always renowned for their   world - as an avid Tropic   page in the back of each
            hip-hop and chillwave   outstanding customer    reader you already know   edition proves. So, we loved
            vibes. New Interpol album   service. But we were   that, right? During a recent   wandering through the
            “Marauder” is also a Tropic   impressed by the attentive   trip interstate, we picked up  Mareeba Heritage Museum
            HQ fave, while some classic   friendliness of the young   fresh new copies of Monocle,   and Information Centre to
            Bob Dylan tunes are on   crew at Footlocker Cairns   Fantastic Man and System.   soak up the array of TNQ
            the office playlist after our   Central. Shout out to Daniel  Now if we could just find   memorabilia on display.
            editor Gavin King saw the   and his colleagues for a   a local newsagent to stock   Entry is free 7 days a week
            legend play live in Sydney.  stellar retail experience.  them…          at 345 Byrnes St, Mareeba.

                                                                 A DAY IN THE LIFE

                                             Karl Latham from Elite Real Estate Services

          My days are very regimented to maximise  coaching CD while I drive.  12.30pm Lunch. Either yummy leftovers
          every. Each day is already mapped out a   7.30am Arrive at the office, plan the day   in the office or out networking with a
          year ahead with a focus on my priorities:   and prioritise my tasks.  valued past client or a business client.
          1. Health. 2. Family. 3. Work.    8am Quick daily team training on specific  2pm First appointment of the day. Listing
          5am The day begins. Gingerly sneak out   subjects. Usually consists of role plays.   appointment or an appraisal.
          of bed without waking up the family as   Teach, train, test.         4pm Second appointment of the day.
          they enjoy their sleep in. Quickly eat a   8.15am My team meeting to run through   Listing appointment or an appraisal.
          banana, get my gym clothes on, write   all our listings, any deals done, what’s in   6pm Third appointment of the day.
          in my 5-minute journal and head off to   negotiations, any new listings, specific   Listing appointment or a twilight buyer
          Cross Fit.                        dates around settlements or properties   inspection.
          5.25am Arrive at REPS and then the   going unconditional.            7:30pm Head home to tuck the kids
          squats begin followed by the W.O.D   9am First 45-minute call session of the   into bed and read a story. Then dinner
          (workout of the day) which is usually   day. Buyer call backs and follow up any   with my wife Hailey. If an offer has been
          insane and involves sweat and pain and   hot deals that need closing.  made, I will head back out and drive back
          hurt but it’s pretty competitive and keeps  10am Second 45-minute call session of   between the buyer and seller negotiating
          me fit so I love it!              the day. Prospecting calls, chasing up any  until the deal is done. 9pm, 10pm, 11pm -
          6.45am Sneak back into the house   potential sellers.                whatever it takes.
          without waking everybody up, have a   11am Third 45-minute call session of the   10pm Meditate for 10 – 20 minutes using
          quick protein shake, drop into the cold   day. Scheduled tasks and calls from my   the Headspace App to silence the million
          pool then make some breakfast. Usually   CRM client database, helping to progress   things going on in my mind then drift off
          it’s boiled eggs and a healthy green   existing clients.             to the land of nod...
          smoothie.                         11.45am Emails. This is usually pretty
          7.20am Head into the Elite Sales Office,   quick as my Executive Assistant Harriet   MORE:
          in the car there is no radio on EVER. This   manages most of my emails and tags the
          is the prime time to learn. I listen to   important ones for me to make the best
          podcasts, audio books or a real estate   use of my time.

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