Page 16 - Tropic Magazine Issue 13
P. 16
Catholic Education Services - Cairns Diocese
Award Category Recipient School
Early Career Teacher Summer Toombs Our Lady Help of Christians
School, Earlville
Primary Teacher Paula Lohmann St Andrew’s Catholic College
Secondary Teacher David Christopher St Andrew’s Catholic College
School Officer Joan Carbone Our Lady Help of Christians
School, Earlville
Volunteer Support Nedia Handley St Francis Xavier’s
Leadership Lee MacMaster St Andrew’s Catholic College
Lifelong Contribution Tessa Condon St Teresa’s Ravenshoe
Reluctant hero Tropic talks to Ann about her role School staff are not required to be
and her important work. experts in this area, but we do want
Student protection is a them to have an awareness and to
respond appropriately to concerns. Not
complex area, as Ann Barr from What keeps you motivated and every concern is going to be about child
energetic in such a complex area of
the Cairns Diocese of Catholic the education system? abuse, because children can be upset
Education Services explains. I am lucky that I have great support and affected by many things occurring
professionally and personally in what in their life. We want staff to have the
Ann Barr knows the ups and downs I do. At home I have an exceptional confidence and capacity to be able to
of parenting more than most people. husband and four wonderful (but identify when something is not quite
How very wonderful and difficult, exhausting) boys who remind me every right and respond. As a parent myself I
how challenging and rewarding it day how wonderful and hard parenting want staff to be asking my child if they
can be. Not only does Ann work in the can be. You could not work in child are OK when they notice he is sad or not
complex area of student protection protection without having a balance himself. I also feel very fortunate that
for Catholic Education Services in the and I am lucky that my balance is our Executive Director has always been
Cairns Diocese, she also has four boys provided by my family. committed to this area of work. Without
of her own. And while she would never leadership support it would be very
voluntarily step in to the limelight How do you feel about receiving a difficult to embed a child safe culture in
or take credit for her remarkable Spirit of Catholic Education Award? our organisation.
work, Ann is truly an everyday hero. I am very humbled by it to be honest
She is also incredibly humbled by especially when I see the quality of the What can parents do to contribute to
her most recent accolade: winning a other nominees. I am happy for there the safety of their children?
Spirit of Catholic Education Award, to be a focus on student protection So much has changed in this space.
bringing state-wide recognition (but not so much on me though!). I am When I was brought up my parents
to her dedication and passion for also overwhelmed that someone took always talked about stranger danger,
protecting students from all walks the time to nominate me and others but research has evolved, and we
of life. Cairns Diocese’s Catholic who supported the nomination which now know the majority of harm to
Education Services Executive Director is quite a significant process. I am not children is by someone they know.
Bill Dixon congratulated Ann on going to lie, it is a very special award We want children to be mindful and
her achievement, saying student to receive and one that I feel very aware of their surroundings and
protection required sensitivity, sound fortunate to even be nominated for. how they are feeling as opposed to
process and legal compliance. expecting them to identify a harmful
“Child safe practices are integral to How does your work ensure student person. Adults who don’t have the best
learning and teaching,” Mr Dixon protection is a top priority for intentions towards children are not
said. “Ann is tasked with ensuring Catholic Education in the Cairns easily identifiable just by looking at
staff know and understand the serious diocese? them. Talking to children about safe
responsibilities that apply to them One of my key focus areas is to assist and unsafe feelings can happen long
with regards to student protection. Catholic Education Services and our before they start school.
Safety, security and nurture are schools create and maintain a child The protective behaviours program we
fundamental human rights and needs safe organisation. It sounds easy run in our schools focuses on helping
which are foundational to the Catholic enough, but this captures all aspects children identify safe and unsafe feelings,
School experience.” of what we do, not just our legislative and identify who they can talk to when
reporting obligations but our need to they are feeling unsafe, and what some
ensure our schools are safe places and of their responses could be in different
MORE: have safe people working in them. situations when they are feeling unsafe.
16 • Tropic • Issue 13