Page 28 - Tropic Magazine Issue 12
P. 28


          Bad body corporate

          TCM Strata delves into some
          common body corporate issues.
          While unfortunately there are minimal   ‘reasonable’. There are many solicitors who  However, the Fair Work Commission
          options available for addressing bullying   will be able to assist in the wording of the   (FWC) has now confirmed that it can hear
          behaviour under the Body Corporate and   new by-law. If adopted, the Committee will  bullying claims involving bodies corporate.
          Community Management Act, our team at   be able to quantify their determination of   If the bullying mostly occurs online, you
          TCM Strata has collated information to   ‘nuisance’, by assessing the frequency of   could ask the police about the penalties for
          assist you to develop an approach that is   emails and volume of correspondence   cyber-bulling. There are laws which apply to
          right for you and your scheme.     issued by a lot owner.              serious online harassment and bullying,
                                             If the person causing a nuisance is on the   which can include offensive, menacing or
          Seek legal advice                  Committee, consider calling an      harassing behaviour through the use of
          We advise you seek legal advice from a   Extraordinary General Meeting and   technology. Under the Criminal Code Act, it
          solicitor who specialises in Body   submitting a motion to remove them from  is an offence to use the internet, social
          Corporate disputes. Legislation    office.                             media or a telephone to menace, harass or
          determines that a Strata Manager is to   Serious incidents             cause offence. The maximum penalty for
          remain impartial and therefore is unable   If you are experiencing any behaviour that   this offence is 3 years imprisonment or a
          to mediate. We can certainly provide   involves violence or threats of physical   fine of more than $30,000.
          guidance however and provide you with   violence, you should immediately report   In summary, take appropriate action before
          the necessary tools to achieve a positive   this to the police. A Strata Manager holds   it escalates, ensure the perpetrator is aware
          outcome.                           no authority to remove a person from a   of the consequences and if you witness
          Review your by-laws                body corporate.                     bullying behaviour in your body corporate,
          Does your Body Corporate have a nuisance  You can submit an application for a   show your support and send the message
          by-law? How is nuisance defined?   workplace bullying order. Until recently,   that you will not tolerate this type of
          Consider submitting a motion that will   there has been a perception that bullying   behaviour.
          incorporate a new by-law that requires   claims can only apply to those that are   MORE:
          communications (email and verbal) to be   employees in a traditional workplace.

                     Danny Maher from Fiducia Private Wealth Management
                     tackles the latest in finance matters.

           Switching super                  news is that the government has   I absolutely agree that if you are
           In recent weeks, the Royal Commission  legislated that penalties and exit fees   looking to appoint a financial adviser
           into the banks and financial services   are to be abolished on all   then the ultimate ownership of your
           has stolen the headlines with some   superannuation funds so David will   adviser’s license is a question you
           disgraceful corporate behaviour by   finally be able to move his money into   must ask. In Australia, more than 70
           AMP and the advice businesses of the   his far more cost-effective and flexible   per cent of advisers are licensed
           big four banks. This has prompted quite   superannuation fund with no penalty.  through businesses owned by one of
           a bit of concern in the community.  These types of funds were sold by all of   the big four banks, AMP or IOOF. Some
           One of our clients, who we’ll call David,   the major insurance companies in the   of these make little or no reference to
           recently asked whether he should   1980s and 1990s. We would encourage   the ultimate ownership.
           move his old superannuation policy to   everyone who has these older style   For example, Hillross and Charter are
           his current fund in light of the   policies to contact their adviser and   both advice brands owned by AMP.
           dishonest conduct by AMP executives.    look for a more cost-effective   Advisers own their own business in
           We have been David’s advisers for a   alternative. With respect to the   many cases but the license and
           number of years and have been    behaviour of banking executives,   approved product list is controlled by
           reluctant to move his old policy from   particularly AMP’s senior management,   AMP. Recent research has shown that
           AMP due to excessive penalty fees that   it was deplorable and I think we will   these businesses implement their
           he would incur in the process. The good  probably see some serious   advice strategies using predominantly
                                            consequences in the coming months.  AMP products.
                                            License ownership                There are some very good advisers in
                                            In a recent discussion with a colleague   some of these businesses but they are
                                            in the accounting profession, I was   restricted from what I believe is at
                                            asked for my thoughts about whether   times providing the right advice for
                                            advice businesses should disclose the   clients.
                                            ultimate ownership of the license they   MORE: or (07) 4042 4000
                                            operate under.

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