A woman who went missing while bushwalking at Cedar Bay has been found by SES volunteers.

Police said the SES is walking her back to Home Rule, near Rossville, along the challenging Cedar Bay track she set out to walk on the weekend.

She’ll be medically assessed at Home Rule and could be transported from there if medical treatment is required.


Juliana Castrillon, 36, was visiting the region to attend the Orin Aya festival at Home Rule, a rainforest property near Rossville.

An aerial search of the area was conducted on Monday and Tuesday, but police said visibility was poor due to dense bush and difficult terrain.

Juliana is from Colombia, but now lives in Byron Bay. Alex said she had travelled to Far North Queensland to attend the music festival.

The trail from Home Rule to Cedar Bay is only recommended for self-reliant walkers with extensive bushwalking experience.

It’s a strenuous 28-kilometre round trip, with six to eight hour walks each way. The trail is marked, but some sections become indistinct after rain or periods of low use.


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“In respectful acknowledgement of the significance of her reign, it is appropriate that the city formally commemorates her.
Bob Manning
Cairns Mayor