
They’re the deadliest thing in Far North Queensland waters, drifting on the currents, catching and killing sea creatures on an enormous scale.

They’re ghost nets, abandoned, or discarded from commercial fishing vessels across south-east Asia, and they’re a major threat to marine life.

Some are a kilometre long and weigh up to 10 tonnes.

For many years, Indigenous communities and ranger groups have been pulling ghost nets out of the sea, often turning them into beautiful art that celebrates the very creatures to which nets are such a deadly threat.


Almost 15,000 ghost nets have been removed from the Gulf of Carpentaria over the past 15 years.

The Federal Government has announced an additional $3 million funding to support detection and removal of ghost nets.

North Queensland senator, Nita Green, said grants of $30,000 to $400,000 will be available over two years from early next year to support net removal, with a possible focus on new technology.

Speaking in Gordonvale on Sunday, Senator Green said ghost nets are a major environmental problem in northern Australia.

“What we find is that sea life gets trapped in these ghost nets and can cause terrible problems.

“It's a pollution of our waterways and it's something that we do need to deal with.

“Most of the ghost nets come down from the east Timor Sea. We know that the Gulf of Carpentaria, because geographically where that's located, is attracting these ghost nets.

“That's why there's such a concentration of ghost nets in the Gulf of Carpentaria, it's why we need to really concentrate our work in that area.”

The program is part of a broader $14.8 million Ghost Nets Initiative to help protect marine habitats and wildlife.


“I hope to see many Traditional Owner groups participate in this grants process in recognition of the vital role of First Nations communities in restoring the health of northern Australia waterways and oceans, Senator Green said.”

Applications for the Ghost Nets Innovative Solutions grant program are open from Monday October 10 to December 5.


Main points

  • Ghost nets drift in northern Australia waters killing marine life
  • 15,000 have been removed from Gulf of Carpentaria in past 15 years
  • New Federal grants open until December 5th
This grant program will support the health of our oceans, and the jobs of those who do this work along our northern Australian coast lines.
Nita Green
North Queensland senator