New $250 travel vouchers part of Far North tourism funding injection

In addition to the state government-funded Holiday Dollars, the Far North’s peak tourism body will launch another travel voucher scheme.
Part of Tourism Tropical North Queensland’s (TTNQ) $7.7-million injection in federal funding, announced today, will go towards $250 incentives for holidaymakers.
The vouchers will be available to those already spending at least $1000 on tourism products, attractions and experiences in the region.
As the scheme’s not yet finalised, TTNQ could not tell Tropic Now who would be eligible for the vouchers, as well as how and when they’ll be distributed.
A total of $2.03-million will be put towards TTNQ’s Travel Incentive Scheme, while more than $4.4-million is allocated for a Destination Marketing Strategy to help drive year-round visitation to the region.
A further $1.3-million will help TTNQ support local tourism providers to adapt and strengthen their product offerings and experiences to better suit domestic tourists.
Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said the additional investment in marketing would complement the 800,000 half-price airfares funded by the Morrison Government.
“Cairns and Far North Queensland has proven incredibly popular with domestic tourists,” Mr Entsch said.
“Australians have already booked more than 50,100 discounted flights to Cairns under the Morrison Government’s $1.2-billion tourism support package.
“With the weather turning colder down south, more Australians will be attracted to a holiday up here where the weather is warm, the people are friendly, and we have the best tourist experiences in the nation.
“This is no more evident than in places like Port Douglas, which is absolutely buzzing at the moment, with many accommodation businesses running at near full capacity.
“The Morrison Government’s additional investment in promoting Tropical North Queensland as a year-round destination will support local jobs and businesses 365 days a year.”

Meanwhile, the state government is extending its Cairns Holiday Dollars program, currently distributing 5000 vouchers – worth up to $200 each – to holidaymakers already in the region.
Recipients are now being chosen through Facebook’s audience targeting tools, following a flawed lottery scheme where many of the original 15,000 vouchers were not used.
“Based on experiences in other states, when we launched this pilot campaign, we knew there would be a number of vouchers that would not be redeemed," Tourism Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said.
“This [extension] will ensure these vouchers don’t go to waste and support tourism operators through what is traditionally a quiet time of year for the industry.”
The Cairns Holiday Dollars extension runs from 4 May to 25 June.