Two juveniles have been charged over a blaze which destroyed a mechanic’s workshop in Mareeba this morning.
Fire crews were called to Performance Motors on the corner of Keeble Street and Railway Avenue just after midnight to find the workshop fully alight.
A Queensland Fire and Emergency Service spokesperson has told Tropic Now that ‘considerable’ resources were sent to the scene.
“At the peak there were nine fire crews on site,” she said.
“It was fully involved and there were vehicles inside the building.
“A large shed had partially collapsed.”
The fire was under control by 2.30am, however it took crews until 8.30am to fully extinguish flare-ups.
No-one was hurt.
Acting Sergeant Dan McEntee from Queensland Police said so far, two youths have been arrested.
"Tablelands Police are still speaking with persons of interest," he said.
"They have formally charged two people who are juveniles.
"Police are requesting any witnesses of the event to come forward.
"There will perhaps be further charges."
Owners of the workshop, Kevin and Lucy Dunn, expressed their shock in a post on social media.
“To all of our valued customers, it is with sadness that we report that we have suffered a major incident overnight,” it reads.
“Please bear with us at this time and we will be in contact with everyone affected as soon as we are able to.
“Please only contact us in an emergency, as we are still trying to come to terms with what has happened.”
Acting Sergeant Dan McEntee said the owners are understandably upset.
"Any business owner would be pretty devasted to come to work and find that damage," he said.
Insurance investigators are now determining the cost of the damage.
Main points
- Fire destroyed the Performance Motors workshop in Mareeba this morning
- It took a total of nine crews two hours to bring the blaze under control
- Two youths have been charged over the incident