Final crane comes down as construction on Crystalbrook Collection trilogy nears end

A three year journey is drawing to a close, with the last of six cranes involved in the construction of three luxury Cairns hotels pulled down from the skyline today.
It marks a major milestone in the $600 million investment in the city by Syrian billionaire Ghassan Aboud.
The 67 metre crane was dismantled from the Flynn site this morning, the final hotel in Mr Aboud’s Crystalbrook Collection Cairns trilogy.
Local building firm Prime Constructions has been building all three.
“We’re pulling down the last of the six cranes but long term, the reality is what’s left behind,” said General Manager John MacPherson.
“These are world class products, they can be sold anywhere in the world, so they’re opening up an entire new market.”
The sight of the cranes has injected economic confidence into the city and boosted employment during the construction phase.
Mr MacPherson said the hotels are almost entirely built by locals, which is a real feather in the cap for the local industry.
“The amount of work we’ve been delivering concurrently is a little bit unprecedented in North Queensland,” Mr MacPherson said.
“The vast majority of the businesses and workforce, the subcontractors and consultants we’ve gone on the journey with are locally based too and we’ve been proud of to deliver on time and on budget.”
Final interior fit-outs and landscaping are now taking place, with the second hotel Bailey scheduled to open in October and Flynn to accommodate its first guests early next year.
The project end has prompted concerns of a construction jobs cliff, but Prime Construction isn’t concerned.
"We've got some large scale projects and several smaller projects that we're looking at for next year so we’re hopeful there’s some good stuff coming through for us,” Mr MacPherson said.
“Although I wouldn’t mind packing everything up and disappearing into the bush for a few months!"
For a more detailed look at what’s in store for TNQ construction, check out Tropic’s feature in the August/September magazine, due out soon!