5 reasons FNQ Police have the craziest police jobs of all
TropicNow picks our five favourite times Far Northern police officers had to deal with some unexpected and unusual incidents.

From kamikaze kangaroos to contraband crocs, our local police officers deal with some seriously crazy stuff in the Tropical North.
With today’s discovery of a rather dodgy attempt at driving an unregistered car - putting a handwritten sign with the words “Getting work done for RWC” is NOT an acceptable excuse people – we decided to take a look back at the craziest call-outs our local officers have dealt with.
In no particular order, these are our favourite five. Enjoy!

1. Dodgy rego
There's nothing like a naive - some might say cheeky - motorist to test the patience and sense of humour of our local police officers.
Cairns Police discovered this vehicle with an "interesting number plate" yesterday while on a routine patrol.
"Upon closer inspection it became apparent that the make shift number plate stated, “Getting work done 4 RWC” aka Road Worthy Certificate," a police spokesperson wrote.
"Clearly this showed the owner’s ingenuity to be honest about their vehicles status. However, there is right way and a wrong way to go about getting your vehicle re-registered.
"The 38-year-old man driving the vehicle received an expensive lesson in vehicle registration. A total of two traffic infringement notices were issued for driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle."

2. Snakes alive at Chili Beach
The Tropical North's amazing wildlife has long been attractive to nefarious minds, and police across Cape York are often at the frontline of illegal activity involving our native fauna.
Back in 2014, officers intercepted two Cairns men near Lockhart River and discovered quite the remarkable bounty in their ute.
Among the native treasures the pair had removed the Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park included orange-naped snakes, Stimson pythons, skinks, a bandi snake and tarantula-like bird spiders.
Oh, they also had an illegally stored rifle in the vehicle. Officers also later found a quantity of cannabis at one of the men's homes.
Guns, drugs, and illegal wildlife smuggled out of Cape York in a ute. Peak-TNQ, you might say.

3. There's a giant spider in my campervan
Local police often have to do more than just arrest criminals. They are also called on to rescue innocent, frightened backpackers.
Like the time a Mareeba crew were flagged down near Granite Creek by some French backpackers in July this year.
According to the backpackers, their campervan "had been invaded by spiders the size of dinner plates".
Upon inspection, the brave officers discovered it was only one spider but the backpackers insisted they needed police assistance to remove it from their van.
According to a police spokesperson: "Two female officers kindly informed the holiday makers their fire aim was good but not that good, and that it wasn’t the spider they needed to worry about but the two metre long scrub python that would curl up on their back seat if they left their doors open.
"While the police like to help the community where they can, we do suggest travellers and residents invest in a can of insect spray."

4. Home raids gone wild
Police regularly get more than they bargain for when raiding homes across the Tropical North.
There was time that fearless officers from the Tactical Crime Squad had to call in a snake remover (pictured) to capture two pythons they discovered during a drug raid on a Parramatta Park home in 2014.
Or what about the snappy croc that officers discovered on a raid of an Innisfail home in December last year?
According to police at the time: "Detectives from the Innisfail Criminal Investigation Branch have uncovered a juvenile crocodile during a raid for drugs. While executing a search warrant at a Benwell Street address, police allegedly located a quantity of cannabis and steroids.
"Officers were surprised to find the very unusual animal on display in the living area of the residence. The 30 centimetre juvenile saltwater crocodile was located occupying a fish tank and obviously well out of its comfort zone."The crocodile was taken to the Innisfail Police Station where it was promptly given a temporary home in a large fish tank previously inhabited by the station fish."

5. Kamikaze kangaroos
Police have always warned about the dangers that motorists face on roads across the Tropical North.
Cows and cassowaries are dangerous enough. But even they don't stack up against the insane Australian-ness of what police themselves describe as "kamikaze kangaroos".
"Recently a vehicle travelling west towards Normanton was unfortunate enough to encounter a kamikaze kangaroo and they swerved to avoid it," police said in July this year.
"Thankfully no-one was seriously injured but the same can’t be said for the vehicle and trailer. Croydon Police would like to thank witnesses who came across the crash about 20 km east of Croydon at about 6.30am on Wednesday morning. Witnesses contacted police, assisted with traffic control and the scene clean up.
"Police are reminding motorists to be mindful of travelling at dawn and dusk, as visibility on the road is decreased and animals tend to be more active."